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Residents at Olsen Court, our Housing with Extra Care scheme in Lincoln, held a Halloween themed coffee morning and quiz on Friday.
I am delighted to be able to share our Autumn edition of ‘LACE Matters’.
Residents and Volunteers at Olsen Court, our Housing with Extra Care Scheme in Lincoln, held a Macmillan Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support last week.
As the season begins to change and the nights begin to draw in, now is a good time to see if your heating is in good working order before the colder weather arrives. By testing your heating now, you can identify any problems with your heating early, allowing our property maintenance team time to respond.
The work we do, with the support of our volunteers, means that older and vulnerable people in our communities feel safe and supported.
Community engagement and achieving social value by creating links between older and younger generations is always a priority for us when we build any new scheme.
In addition to the meetings of our successful Resident Involvement Group (RIG) our first 'virtual' RIG meeting was held last week.
We currently have two properties for sale, both located in the uphill area of Lincoln, available through a shared ownership lease for those aged 55 and over.
Further to the Government's announcement to progress to Step 4 of the COVID-19 roadmap, it is essential that we ensure our residents, staff and volunteers continue to remain safe.