Homes for Collinson Court are available for people aged 55 and over. Please note, applications will be processed by North Lincolnshire Council in the first instance, therefore as well as completing a LACE Housing application form, you will also need to register on North Lincolnshire Council’s Home Choice Lincs system, accessible using the following link:
North Lincolnshire Council will advertise vacancies on their Home Choice Lincs portal, and during this time you will be able bid on any available properties within the development. If you are shortlisted, North Lincolnshire Council will then send a shortlist of suitable applicants to LACE Housing for us to assess. We will then contact you if you have been shortlisted to arrange next steps.
Please note that a local connection criteria is required for this scheme.
*We have agreed the following lettings criteria with North Lincolnshire Council for these homes.
A person must satisfy the following qualifications:
- is an Individual over the age of 55;
- has a local connection to the Riddings Housing area of Scunthorpe;
- has a local connection to North Lincolnshire;
- is eligible to be housed in accordance with LACE lettings policy having regard to the Allocation Policy;
- is not able easily to compete in the open market for housing accommodation in the district of North Lincolnshire; and
- intends to occupy and subsequently occupies the Dwelling as their only or principal home.
To satisfy the local connection a person must satisfy the following criteria:
- was born in the area and lived there for 5 years or more; or
- has permanently resided for 5 years or more in the area; or
- used to permanently live in the area for 5 years or more but has been forced to move away because of the lack of affordable housing; or
- has been permanently employed in the area for 5 years or more
The priority to be given to the local connection in as follows:
- To the area of Riddings
- To the adjacent and immediately surrounding housing areas of Old and New Westcliff, Trent View House, Yaddlethorpe, Bottesford, Ashby or Lincoln Gardens
- North Lincolnshire
If you have any queries, please contact our Housing and Support team on via email