Our Chief Executive Nick has joined housing colleagues from across the country at this year's Housing Summit in London.
Hosted by the National Housing Federation, the summit began yesterday with a keynote speech from Prime Minister Theresa May, who announced a further £2 billion fund for social housing from 2022. This supports a long-term commitment for housing associations such as LACE to continue to invest and develop new homes for those in need.
Nick said: "Today's speech demonstrates a continued commitment to develop more affordable homes - a priority that remains at the top of the government's agenda.
"A significant increase in delivery is required if we are to meet the government's target of 300,000 new homes per year by 2025.
"Housing associations are well placed to support the delivery of this programme and we aim to deliver at least a third.
"Following a successful bid to Homes England, LACE has started on site, developing 82 new homes for older people within Lincolnshire. Yesterday's news supports our continued commitment to develop more homes for older people in Lincolnshire."